공기업 지배구조와 관련하여 각국의 공기업 소유권과 지배구조를 살펴보는데 참고할 만한 자료다.
OECD(2024), Ownership and Governance of State-Owned Enterprises 2024, OECD Publishing, Paris,
This report provides trends and evolutions in the ownership and governance of state-owned enterprises across nearly 59 jurisdictions worldwide. It complements the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises and provides comparable information across jurisdictions to support more effective implementation of the Guidelines.
SOEs are major players in the global economy, but their weight varies across countries
More countries should adopt policies that promote professional and active state ownership
Greater efforts are needed to level the playing field between SOEs and other enterprises
Alignment with best practices in the disclosure, transparency and accountability of SOEs varies both within and between jurisdictions
Legal frameworks enshrine SOE boards’ independence, diversity and autonomy, but remain an area for improvement
SOEs are central to sustainable development and can lead by example in various domains, including the low carbon transition and responsible business conduct
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